- Tavares, P., P. Chainho, A. Costa, J. Castro, T. Cruz, M.L. Chaves, A.M. Costa, J. Bernardo, J.P. Medeiros, G. Silva, C. Azeda, M.J. Costa, J.L. Costa, H. Cabral & L. Cancela da Fonseca. Inter-annual variations of macrobenthic communities during three decades in a land-locked coastal lagoon (Santo André, SW Portugal). 5th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium (EUROLAG), Aveiro, Portugal. (oral)
- Seabra, M.I., T. Cruz, N. Penteado & S.J. Hawkins. Limpets inside and outside tidepools along the SW Portuguese coast: a multi-scale study. 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (oral)
- Seabra, M.I. Ecological and physiological perspectives on the relationships between rocky intertidal keystone species and microhabitats: the case study of patellid limpets and tidepools versus emersed-rock environments in SW Portugal. ESF Workshop – The effects of climate change on vulnerable life traits of aquatic ectotherms: towards an integrated approach, Bremerhaven. (oral)
- Materatski, P., Vafeiadou, A.M., De Troch, M., Moens, T. & Adão, H. Recovery of benthic nematode assemblages after a major collapse of Zostera noltii
seagrass. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen, Scotland. (oral)
- Jacinto, D. & T. Cruz. The sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
in rocky shores of SW Portugal: vertical and horizontal patterns of abundance, population size structure and burrowing behaviour. 1.º Congreso Latinoamericano de Equinodermos, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. (oral)
- Jacinto, D. & T. Cruz. Predicting Pollicipes pollicipes
(Crustacea: Cirripedia) abundance in intertidal rocky shores of SW Portugal: a multi-scale approach based on wave exposures índices. 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (cartaz)
- Fernandes, J.N., T. Cruz & R.K. Grosberg. Multiscale population genetic structure of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes
. 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (oral)
- Cruz, T., D. Jacinto, A. Sousa, T. Silva, S. Celestino, C. Espírito-Santo, M.I. Seabra, J. Fernandes & J.J. Castro. Predation has an effect upon the distribution and abundance of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes
in Portugal. 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (oral)
- Cruz, T. & J.J. Castro. Distribution, abundance and size of the barnacle Austrominius modestus
in its southern limit in continental Europe (Portugal). 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (cartaz)
- Castro, J.J. & T. Cruz. Rocky shore fisheries in SW Portugal: effects of regulations on use and opinion on conservation and management issues. 9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium, Plymouth. (oral)