- Van Syoc, R.J., Fernandes, J. & Carrison, D. Pollicipes biogeography and phylogenetics: a morphological and molecular approach. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Seabra, M.I., T. Cruz, D. Jacinto, J. Fernandes, C. Espírito-Santo, J.J. Castro & S.J. Hawkins. A massive settlement event of patellid limpets in artificial tidepools (Sines, SW Portugal). 8th Larval Biological Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal. (cartaz)
- Ramos, P., Ruano, F., Jesus, D. & Cruz, T. Lesões macroscópicas em pampo (Balistes capriscus
) provocados por percebes (Conchoderma virgatum
). IV Congresso da SPCV / I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia. Santarém, Portugal. (cartaz)
- Oliveira, P.B., M.M. Angélico, J. Fernandes, J.J. Castro & T. Cruz. Near shore oceanographic conditions off SW Portugal in summer 2006 and 2007 from satellite and in situ data. 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop, Frascatti, Itália. (cartaz)
- Jacinto, D., Cruz, T., Castro, J.J., Silva, T., Maranhão, P. & Teixeira, A. The stalked barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes
) fishery in the Nature Reserve of Berlengas (Portugal): temporal variation of fishery effort and evaluation of logbook management measure. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Jacinto, D. & Cruz, T. Small scale patterns and processes of distribution and abundance of Pollicipes pollicipes
at Cabo de Sines (SW Portugal).
International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Ferrero, T.J., Adão, H., Barnes, N., Campinas-Bezerra, T., Drgas, A., Kuhnert, J., Lampadariou, N., Portugal, R., Schratzberger, M., Steyaert, M., Urban-Malinga, B.,Van Gansbeke D.,Veit-Kohler, G., Whomersley, P. & Vanaverbeke, J. Response of meiofauna communities to increased rainfall as predicted by global climate change models. World Conference of Biodiversity, Valencia, Espanha. (oral)
- Fernandes, J., Angélico, M.M., Cruz, T., Lima, N., Silva, T., Vicêncio, S., Castro, J.J. & Oliveira, P.B. Distribution and abundance of planktonic cyprids of Pollicipes pollicipes
in the very near shore of Sines (SW Portugal) and their settlement on conspecifics. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Fernandes, J. & Cruz, T. Observations on the distribution and morphology of Pollicipes a
t Dakar (Senegal) and Cabo Verde.
International Conference, Sines, Portugal (oral)
- Cruz, T. Marcelino, A., Jacinto, D. & Silva, T. Predation effect upon the distribution and abundance of Pollicipes pollicipes
in the Nature Reserve of Berlengas (Portugal). Pollicipes
International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Cruz, T., J. Fernandes, P.B. Oliveira, M.M. Angélico, N. Lima, J.J. Castro & S.J. Hawkins. Very small temporal scale variability of settlement of Chthamalus
spp. in Sines (SW Portugal): influence of sea breeze and daylight flood. 8th Larval Biology Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal. (oral)
- Cruz, T & Castro, J.J. Recruitment, growth and size structure of Pollicipes pollicipes
in the SW coast of Portugal. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Cruz, T., Jacinto, D., Castro, J.J., Silva, T., Maranhão, P. & Teixeira, A. Gestão e conservação do percebe na Reserva Natural das Berlengas. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Castro, J.J. & T. Cruz. Investigação científica desenvolvida pelo Laboratório de Ciências do Mar (Universidade de Évora). Conferência “D. Carlos I e o mar”, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Castro, J.J., T. Cruz, T. Silva & S. Sousa. Soft sediment assemblages’ response to the impact of the Port of Sines (SW Portugal). SEASINK 2008, Porto, Portugal. (oral)
- Castro, J.J., T. Cruz & T. Silva. Monitoring marine environments in the Port of Sines (SW Portugal). 3rd Meeting of the Port-city University League, Lisboa, Portugal. (oral)
- Castro, J.J. Apanha de percebe no litoral alentejano e importância da pesca lúdica. Pollicipes International Conference, Sines, Portugal. (oral)
- Alves, A.S., Adão, H., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M., Costa, M.J. & Marques, J.C.. Spatial distribution of subtidal meiofauna communities along a salinity gradient in two Southern European estuaries (Portugal). 43rd ECSA – Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association International Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal. (oral)